Monday, February 16, 2015

                                                                     BRAZIL: the Book of Acts continues!

In October I was able to go to Porto Alegre, Brazil, with Global Awakening. We partnered with two different churches that have a passion to see the lost saved , the sick healed and believers equipped to move in signs and wonders for the glory of God.
So the team, about 80 of us including a couple of my friends from New Hampshire, each morning and night we  were the ministry team after Randy Clark or another GA leader spoke. We would pray for people the rest of the night mostly for physical sickness.Here is the report Global sent to me. There were 6,644 attendees , 782 physical healings , including blind, deaf, tumors, metal healings,  60 salvations ,55 rededications, 394 emotional healings !
                                                                            One Brazil Story, the girl in Pink

My favorite night was the last night. God was moving powerfully. As I walked around the crowd of people getting prayer I noticed a young girl weeping. As a couple of us prayed, God began to do a deep work in her heart. She eventually curdled up on the floor weeping as God was setting her free of past lies and occult ties. She ended up giving her life to the Lord and experienced the freedom that comes with encountering the Father's love through the power of His Holy Spirit. When she got up she was smiling, joyful and glowing with God's presence.

There were so many stories like this every morning and night. Many were so touched by God's love as He healed their bodies and hearts. There was even a lady who had a glass eye with no vision who received her sight back and took her glass eye out because part of her eye grew back! I'm still in shock and amazed by God's power and love I saw displayed on the trip. It has only deepened my longing to see God use me and all believers to fulfill the great commission, seeing disciples being made in all nations with signs and wonders following as we step out in faith proclaiming the good news fearlessly.                       HE IS FAITHFUL -- HE IS GOOD. ALWAYS